Congrats to our talented client for booking this super-cool NDA celeb project!! YES !!! #casting#castingdirectors#SAG#oncamera#music#mu...

Congrats on ANOTHER cool booking
Busy musician on the road and we still find time to squeeze in a Shoot on one of his DAYS OFF!!!! Love it #casting#castingdirector#booke...

Our last Knights of Swing share!!!
Talented Musician Jordan Aileen Wainwright plays a teen band musician in Vimeo's KNIGHTS OF SWING! We hope you'll check it out!...

Another one of our CMM Clients appearing KNIGHTS OF SWING!!! Out now on VIMEO!!!
Congrats Alberto Favero on a great job!!!! #SAG#sagwork#featurefilm#acting#actor#casting#castingdirector#CMM#ClaytonMusicManagement#booke...

Have ya seen it yet?
Congrats to Emilio Palame for a beautiful job creating, directing, and starring in KNIGHTS OF SWING. Must see for Big Band Lovers !...